Sharks by: Stanton G.

   I think that sharks are one of many animals that are misunderstood. One of the reasons I think this is because many people think that sharks love to eat humans but the people who think this is wrong. The most common shark that people run into is The Great White Shark. Now, The Great White Shark’s first scientific name was Squalus Carcharias. Later, a man named Sir Andrew Smith bestowed the name Carcharodon as its generic name in 1833. The adolescent Great White Shark mostly would eat small or sometimes medium-sized fish and rays.

   When they turn into adults their appetite grows and they tend to hunt for more larger prey. Their diet usually consists of sea lions, seals small toothed whales like belugas, otters, and sea turtles. Sometimes if they’re lucky they will sometimes come across carrion (carrion is dead animals that are floating around the surface of the water).

   Great White Sharks usually don’t attack humans but if they do it’s probably under a false identity. They mistake humans as its prey such as fish or a marine mammal or a sea turtle and most of the time they will learn that your not prey and will unlock its mighty jaws from its powerful grip. If you do come in contact with a shark at any time and you think it might pose a threat to you the best thing to do is punch it or grip it’s most sensitive parts on its body the nose and gills.            

Reading Response “Dairy of a Wimpy Kid The Last Straw”

Margins:                                                                                                                                      My guess: I think ” margins” means the edge of something.                                          Definition: The edge or border of something.

Resolution:                                                                                                                                My guess: I think “Resolution” something to work on.                                                    Definition: A firm decision to do or not to do something.

Gabbing:                                                                                                                                     My guess: I think “Gabbing” means to talk a lot with someone.                                      Definition: Talk, typically at length, about trivial matters.                                                                                                                                                                                                 


All About Me

My name is Stanton Garcia. I was born on November 4, 2005. My family consists of four people including my mom, my dad, my sister and I.  I have many interests including cars, soccer, and drawing. The list of car brands I’m interested in are Lamborghini, Bugatti, and Ferrari. The positions I play in soccer are midfield and defense. I like drawing because I think it’s cool and neat. I draw a lot of animals and nature.